Organic Black Sorghum Grain - 15oz *NOT FOR POPPING*

$6.59 $18.99

***IMPORTANT: You may receive this product in our DIY Popping Sorghum packaging. Despite what the packaging says, this product is NOT for popping will result in a very low yield if attempted.***

Enjoy this amazing super food as pilaf, in soups, in stews, as a cereal, or grind for flour. Unlike our DIY Popping Sorghum, this grain is not to be used for popping. Organic Black Sorghum has resistant starch, polyphenols (which feed the "gut buddies"), and 4.6 times the antioxidants of blueberries. It is just all around good for you.

Learn more here:

We are a rapidly expanding small business doing our best to keep up with all the orders we receive each day. While we continue increasing our staff, please allow 2-4 business days for us to get your order shipped out. Thank you!

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